Registered Massage Therapy.

Becoming a massage therapist was a natural extension of myself growing up as a competitive swimmer and triathlete. I wanted to understand the body, how it worked, repaired, and performed better. In the 20 plus years since I started working as a therapist I have come to see pain and discomfort as signs of the body’s wisdom, calling our attention to dysfunction. By removing the labels of “good” or “bad” from pain, it then becomes our teacher. 

My goal, as a massage therapist, is to help you understand what is happening in your body, and empower you to make the necessary changes to heal. This also means that, in future, you will recognize the signs and symptoms sooner, and can take appropriate action to reduce or even prevent injury. I have learned so much from the patients I have had the privilege of treating, over the years. I have also benefitted greatly from my own experience of dealing with physical pain, whether due to emotional/psychological stress or broken bones, I have chosen to see my discomfort as an opportunity to better understand the human experience, from the inside out.

While I am no longer practicing Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine, I still utilize the knowledge of the TCM philosophy, namely how interconnected we are, how emotions create illness, and illness can cause certain emotions. By understanding the impact of the various and numerous stressors in our lives, I can reflect on what might also be contributing to your current state of health.

As a treatment modality, massage therapy can be very effective at helping to resolve various soft-tissue injuries and dysfunctions. The act of receiving therapeutic touch can be hugely beneficial for our nervous systems and emotional wellbeing. Massage therapy can also promote a greater level of body awareness by assisting us in attuning to our inner experience, the tension and imbalance stored in our physical selves, and how to better recognize it.