The Fatherhood Compass is a course designed to give men knowledge and tools to face the challenges of parenting in today’s world. 

Parenting is a gift, a challenge, and a responsibility. It is a role filled with joy and rewards, as well as fatigue and heart ache. Fatherhood, and relationships for that matter, are things we are never formally taught how to do. This, coupled with the tendency of men to be reluctant to ask for help or admit that they are struggling, can create more stress in an already stressful experience.  

What if we went back to the drawing board to learn some relationship and parenting fundamentals? It is often said that parents do the best they can with the tools they have. Imagine then what could happen if we acquired some new tools? 

If you are a father who like so many out there deeply love their kids, but find yourself constantly challenged by ongoing conflict due to behavioural challenges (ours and our kids), unrealistic expectations (of ourselves and our kids), or not being on the same page as your coparent, this course is for you. We will explore the dynamics within ourselves that can make fatherhood more of a struggle than it needs to be. We will also learn how to better understand our kids in a way that will allow so much of what they do to make more sense. 

I hope you will join me as we explore the role of fatherhood with curiosity and compassion. 

When? This is an 8 week course that will happen on Thursdays from 7-9pm, beginning April 2025.

Where? #217 2186 Oak Bay Avenue

Who? You will be joining myself and 6-8 other men who are willing to explore this complex topic, together.  

How much? $TBA

Please email or use the Connect page to register, or for more information.